Making the transition from playing team sports to running has been challenging and early on, I struggled to remain motivated without the immediate performance feedback of being ahead/behind in points and winning/losing at the end of the game. When running, unless you're participating in a race, that feedback is missing. Or perhaps, it's just not as obvious. Watching the olympics in the past few weeks got me thinking about this. On TV, in most of the racing sports, they show that imaginary blue line competing against the athletes, usually representing the time to beat. Wouldn't that blue line be exciting to run against? Maybe your blue line would represent your run from last week, maybe it would represent a younger version of yourself, or even another runner you aspire to be. Whatever it is, it would allow you to measure yourself against a standard. It would tell you whether you are winning or losing, even if you're alone.
I have found my blue line and maybe that's why I have grown to enjoy running as much, if not more, than playing team sports. It comes in various forms: My GPS watch tells me how far and how fast I'm running at any given time, my training log tells me how far and how fast I've run in the past, my lungs tell me how hard I'm working and my legs tell me how long and how fast I ran, my blog posts are a reflection of how I feel about running, and race results show me my improvements in training and fitness levels. I don't always run thinking of all these feedback mechanisms but I use the ones that are appropriate at different times to ensure that I finish my runs ahead of the blue line. These small wins keep me coming back.
This is why I run.