Monday, September 22, 2014

For Grandchildren

Lucien and Vince
September marks the anniversary of both my grandfathers' deaths. On September 1, 2005, grand papa Lucien (Beaudoin) died at home after suffering from a heart attack at the age of 70. The week before, my brother Vince and I were playing Tennis with him and my grandma. As competitive and intense as ever, Lucien was all over the court and quick to remind his partner to aim for my grandma for a higher chance of winning!

On September 23, 2011, papi Flo (Leblanc) died in hospital at 79 years old, after a long battle with cancer. It was only five years prior that we were all headed for a three-generational family run on Christmas morning. A dedicated runner, papi Flo still found the energy and motivation to go for walks throughout his bouts of therapy. In describing his walks, he always made it sound like he was getting back into it, walking slowly now but slowly building back up the kilometers and the pace.

Christmas 2006 Family Run
My grandpas were very different individuals and my memories of them are quite different. However, they merge in one specific area: their ability to be active with their grandchildren, even in their final years. These memories motivate me to be active now, to treat my body well, and to have a lifetime perspective on fitness, so that I can create similar memories for my grandchildren one day.

It is often while I run that I reconnect with these memories.

This is why I run.

Flo running in his 50s

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