Eventually, these relationships evolve to the point where a name must be adopted for the regular routes. It is no longer acceptable to call it "5-mile loop" and something more personal is needed. As my relationship developed with my 5-mile route, I began to notice things happening around a pond I run by. I first noticed several trees down, all around it. Further investigation revealed tree stumps sharpened like HB pencils! Then came the large pile of branches in the water, a few feet from shore. Over the weeks, it seemed like more and more trees were being chewed at and that's when "5-mile loop" became "Beaver Trail"!
Despite the signs and the new name, each run on the Beaver Trail left me hanging, with no actual beaver in sight. However, I doubted that the geese swimming around the pond were capable of such feats so I remained hopeful that I would one day see Mr. Beaver. That day came last Saturday morning, running with Christina and my mom. As we got closer to the dam, we noticed movement in the water, and there he was, just outside its home, enjoying the morning sun! Another running victory.
This is why I run.
p.s. My brother in law Andrew, who is training for a marathon, recently saw Mayor Rob Ford on one of his runs. He blogged about his Rob Ford sighting. We now share the special experience of running into Canadian icons (Ford and the Beaver) while running!
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